Project templates#

Template for projects 1 and 2: problem sets#

We have prepared a template for you to use in the two first projects. Below you find both the .tex file and the corresponding generated .pdf file.

The above .tex example tries to include a figure file rel_err.pdf from a subdirectory imgs. If you want to compile this example yourself, you can get the figure file here.

Template for projects 3, 4 and 5: scientific reports#

Below is the template you should use when writing the scientific reports for projects 3, 4 and 5. We recommend taking the time to read through all the text in the template, as it contains a lot of useful information on how to structure a scientific report, as well as some LaTeX tips and tricks.

To easily view the template “in action”, you can access it as a read-only Overleaf project here.

If you want to compile the template report yourself, you’ll need a figure file rel_err.pdf in a subdirectory imgs. (Just like for the template for projects 1 and 2.) You can get the figure file here.

To build the template along with the reference list, you need to run pdflatex and bibtex a few times over. Here’s a single-line command that should do the trick:

pdflatex report_example.tex && bibtex report_example.aux && pdflatex report_example.tex && pdflatex report_example.tex

Example report#

An example of a very good student report from a few years back can be found here.